Saturday, August 2, 2014

NEW Catholic iPhone App

In my news feed today on FaceBook I found a video from "Rome Reports" about a new Catholic iPhone App, created by Emanuel Estrada who is just sixteen years old. Naturally I do a search for it on my iPad and download it. I'm quite impressed! Though it's not the most technical app out there, it has enough features and information, especially given someone so young made it.

You can read the daily Mass readings, find nearby Churches, read the Bible (NRSV) as well as pray the Rosary (and other prayers!) and read a bit of Catholic news. Best of all, it's free and less than 5MB in size!

It's called "Eucharist and Truth" and though it's only available on iPhone/iPad, an Android version is coming. A website is also available @

Well done Emanuel, and keep the great work up!

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